I used to keep a diary and grade the days. If your clothes and hair looked good and the cute boy you had a crush on noticed you, A+ day. If you got a bad grade, looked dumb you F. I hadn’t thought about that in a while but this week, I had quite a string of A+ days. I thought a picture of a playground in the sun would convey a great day.
Thursday May 20th, my band,
Scary Numan played at the 400. It was hot in the bar and not much of a crowd. What was cool was the band that played before us,
Bug Girl from Australia. It’s just a brother and sister but they kick ass. Hear for yourself. So they stayed to hear our show and the song, Jessie’s Girl, comes on and they go nuts for their fellow Aussie. They were the most fun fans we ever had dancing and really getting into the music. I wore one of their t-shirts on stage when I sang.
Saturday May 22, Craig and I went exploring. We’d been to the old Cedar Bridge in Long Meadow park from old Shakopee Road side and wondered if you could get to the other side. We found some cool back roads, some abandoned stuff and finally after a few hours of walking, driving through the mud and almost off the road we found the abandoned road. It was grown over but really cool. I kept joking that we we’re going to find a secret Italian restaurant down one of the roads. We got covered in ticks during our travels and kept finding them while eating at Luci (all that talk about Italian food) It was an A+ day of fun, adventure and ticks.
I wrote about the bike car and it arrived on Wednesday May 26th. It was like opening a huge birthday present. I hopped and skipped around the office waiting for the work day to be done. It was a short bus day for Craig (because he has Rowan) and they came by. After they took a solo trek to DQ, Craig, James, Rowan and I “drove “ the bike to her softball game. It was Rowan’s turn to bring treats and Big Bell offered to donated a cooler full of ice cream. The cooler, the softball equipment was all strapped to the bike. We looked like the Joads.
The stares and comments from the people on the sidelines are worth the price of the bike, “What IS that, where did you get it?” Craig’s girlfriend, Kirsten took Rowan’s place on the way home. Both times I sat in back waving like a parade queen. I haven’t laughed that hard in long time.