Higbee, MO
Originally uploaded by Debora Drower.
James and I were on the hunt for vineyards in Missouri. Looking at the map, we saw that off the main highway was this cute town, Higbee (fun to say!) and a vineyard. We stopped in town for gas and at the gas station a personable man overheard us asking where the vineyard was. He joked that he'd see us there because his son owned it. We pulled around the corner so I could shoot some shots then headed to the vineyard. There was the son and the dad and we had a grand old time talking wine and sampling the products. We learned that they're coopers - henceforth the name The Cooper's Oak Winery. A manufacturer of fine American oak barrels. We got an extensive tour of the place - of their barrels, and all the processes it takes to make an oak barrel. There's also an antique shop and the collection of barrels that Dale, the dad has collected. They even will sell old barrels - something that James was interested in. It was such a wonderful visit . I kept asking James -"When are we going back - you know to get the barrels?"