This is me lately, the cigarette in the shower, eye drops and dexedrine. Nah, it's more like three ibuprofen and another cup of cold coffee. But I do pay homage to the movie,"All that Jazz," by saying, "It's show time." When I slam some more pills and speed to keep me going. I can't do speed. Once, in college, I got some. And I was funny. Oh, I was so funny. And then I crashed, hard. Fucking hard. I started screaming at a girl on my dorm floor and she never talked to me again. And I've never done real speed since then. Coffee is good enough. Maybe the Allegra provides a nice ECA Stack effect. And if you feel like getting down to some George Benson - then you can watch some dance tryouts to go along with it.
I am preparing a metric ton of art for some upcoming art shows. It's almost show time. Back to the drugs. And the wet smoke in the shower.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
It's show time folks!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Porky's Drive In, St Paul MN
Porky's Drive In, St Paul MN
Originally uploaded by Debora Drower.
Amy, I'll meet you at Porky's. I so need a milk shake. And someone to listen to me. You always say a Porky's milkshake can cure just about anything. Right? Shit, what a week! I'll probably get the Cruiser Combo and I'll get you whatever you want. Just get your ass over there, OK? Ok? No excuses, no standing me up. It's been a long time so let's do it. It's been four fucking years. Four fucking years. I'll be waiting at one of the picnic tables. Maybe it'll be weird talking to you - I mean I know when you're there even if no one can see you. We'll talk and eat and I'll have a great time talking to you and pretending you're still alive. And still my friend.
love, Debora
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Portrait of a young girl
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Public Enemy and amping
On my birthday this year, I get a garbled voice mail message. I almost delete it. It’s not name I recognize on the Caller id. It is an Austin, TX number. The person is calling from it sounds like a Public Enemy concert. It sounds like the “amped” part of the song. I had to play it a few times. I send Caroline an email wondering if it was her. She was so proud I figured out it was a friend’s cell phone and yes at a Public Enemy concert. And I share a birthday with Flava Flav!!!
Today, I’m the white guy in the car screaming along to Public Enemy. I pull up at work, turn off the music and a black guy parked in car nearby asks what I was listening to. I cannot believe an older black guy would not know Public Enemy. He didn’t. And tells me the singer sounds like James Brown. I break it to him that it’s an old angry rap group. I walk into work laughing. I have to find someone and laugh about a tiny white girl telling a black guy about Public Enemy. Sad. Makes you want to amp about it.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Bad Pants and moon dust in your hair
Now if I had a pair of magical pants. I look great in them, everyone would laugh at my jokes and would find me utterly attractive. If I wore them, candy would fall from the sky and the the angels would get together and decide to create a dream come true. So they sprinkled moon dust in my hair of gold and starlight in my eyes of blue. Oh whoops, getting all Carpenters on you. It's in your head (it's in mine) so go ahead. Play it. It'll help with the ear worms and the sadness of the bad pants Where are those magic pants? Huh, fairies? Would the moon dust help?
Thursday, July 19, 2007
There was a boy, there wasn't a boy
I love this scene from the movie the Prestige. The angry man and what he says to his wife. It kills you. It rips my heart out to hear her ask, "Do you love me?" And he replies, "Not today, no." Oh ouch. Isn't that it. Some days they love you, some days their eyes light up and some days it's a stone cold no, I don't love you today. So why...why? And crying hard, leaning over the sink you think about the how the water would wash the cuts clean if you reached for the big knife in the dish rack.
There was a boy, there wasn't a boy. And you doubt your memories, you deny the truth and hope that maybe tomorrow - he'll love you then.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
White clouds
White frosting
White light
White bright
White healing energy
White snow
White sheets
White healing energy
White mayo
White sheets
White curtains blowing
White cotton balls
White skin
White Oreo inside
White bread
White paper
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Orange Crush St Paul, MN
Orange Crush Laundromat, St Paul, MN
Originally uploaded by Debora Drower.
I am smitten
I'm the real thing
(I'm the real thing)
Won't you be my valentine?
My crush with eyeliner