Saturday, July 25, 2009


Originally uploaded by
More favorite things.

Maybe they changed the Kinko's logo because the "O" looked like a toilet seat.

I wish I had a cool indie copy shop that could match Kinko's prices, the credit card reader and being open 24/7. Ah well. Besides, it brings back the days of type class and endless copying, pasting stating and waxing with Carrie.

I just recently used the online print deal thing on Kinkos. That shit is pretty cool. I uploaded a PDF then drove over and picked up 30 folded, collated newsletters. I usually would print out junk on my inkjet and then copy it. This time, the photos weren't just grey boxes. Rock and roll! I do always sing this old sick song when I go there.

Maybe they'll change the song to FedEx the kid loving clown. Probably not.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Few of my favorite things

Izzy's Ice Cream
Originally uploaded by kaszeta
When I get sick, I get mean. I feel yucky and I want you to feel just as yucky as me. There, the truth. But if I can stay positive, maybe I won't be such a crab.

Last weekend, a few of my Hour Dollars friends asked if I wanted to go to Izzy's Ice Cream in St Paul. I was preparing to order just one scoop. That lil tiny scoop is the Izzy. It would be a big and little scoop. I had my flavors narrowed down. Vicki told me you can get 5 little Izzy scoops in a cup - a Dizzy Izzy. Oh lord. I had the Salted Caramel, the Hot (something) Sugar, the Pirate, Mexican Hot Chocolate and Midnight Snack. I wish they listed all the flavors and descriptions on their web page. Either way. I had 5 tiny flavors of ice cream. Heaven!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Harris Brick Building, Minneapolis, MN

I drove past this area tonight because I was at Magus books in Dinkytown. I decided to stop and take a walk around. The old mills, empty lots and the Intercampus Transitway make for an interesting walk.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Ride Like the Wind

Ride Like the Wind
Originally uploaded by -Dons
I wish I could decorate my bike and ride in some 4th of July parade. I wish I could go on a picnic or the beach then watch the Dyke Stadium fireworks from the HiLo parking lot in Evanston, IL. I wish I could be sent to bed even while kids are outside setting off small fireworks. I want to be 7.