Sunday, June 28, 2009

Riverview Theater, Minneapolis, MN

James and I went here to see "The Soloist" not a bad film - not great - not bad. But they serve real butter on the popcorn (a great reason to see ok films).

Then we jay walked (not really) to the Riverview Cafe and had port and two chocolate desserts. The owner, David, said hi to us. A wine bar and a dollar theater - is this heaven, no it's my favorite corner of Minneapolis!.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Our St Paul paper asked people to write in and tell them the important lessons they learned from their dads.

He taught me about money, saving it, investing it, not flaunting it and always buying quality items. His mother said something like, we’re too poor for you to buy cheap things like that after he bought a cheap suit that would later fall apart.

I was the one who’d borrow his tools and never put them back in the right spot (he’d always catch me!) I was certain I could fix things the effortless ways he did. Later, I learned how to use a computer (and somehow taught my dad – although neither of us have any patience) I am fearless when it comes to anything computer, setting them up, web sites or learning new applications. I credit my dad for that.

My dad has always worked hard his whole life. He started work as a dock boy and gradually moved to CEO. It’s a great lesson that everyone starts at the bottom. And while he works hard, he always take time out for fun and rest – traveling, being a mad inventor or napping on the couch.

I am lucky to have the world’s greatest teacher. My dad.

I love you Dad from D.A.D

Sunday, June 07, 2009


...for you. Waiting for god, waiting to see more doctors, waiting for test results. Just waiting. And not so patiently.

Friday, June 05, 2009


In my dreams, I was having all sorts of travel worries - could I park on a side street near the airport, was James going to come to the airport to see me off, could I get my money back if I canceled my tickets at the last second, why did I have a ticket to Minnesota - living in Minnesota? My "if I win the lottery" dream is to get an AirStream trailer and 1950s dresses and go for a long shooting spree. Will it be California - I love San Francisco, or Colorado - my favorites towns are Trinidad and Walsenburg. CA or CO?