Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Harvest gold pants

tosia pants
Originally uploaded by KarWar.

Driving back from coffee, Patrick somehow got on a rant about Colin and the harvest gold corduroy pants. I'm trying to think how we went from ripping on a badly designed billboard to Colin but it's lost to me. Long long long ago, Colin - of the pants, who was three, was running around Patrick's family's house. The harvest gold corduroy pants were filled with the world's biggest and stinkiest dump. That's pretty much the whole story, but Patrick likes to go one that Colin is probably still wearing those (you have to always say the whole color) harvest gold corduroy pants. With the big dump. And Colin has had a hideous diaper rash for something like 30 years. I had one of those laughing fits where you cannot talk or breathe. I was punching Pat because I couldn't talk. And he kept ranting. It was funny and I guess you had to be there.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Crocodile Rock - Elton John

My sister and I made up some silly dance to Crocodile Rock when we were young. When I was older my mom, of all people, recognized Elton John in a restaurant while on a vacation to L.A. with my family. I was more bold, so I approached Elton John with a napkin and pen and told him we (I pointed to my scared shitless sister) used to dance to Crocodile Rock. He autographed the napkin and said something like it seems you've survived so far. The best part
of it was when we got back to the table I turned to my sister and asked her (mockingly) " Oh wait, did Elton John sing Crocodile Rock?" And she gasped! I just laughed. Simpler times.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Daily Democrat

Daily Democrat, Pauls Valley, OK
Originally uploaded by Debora Drower.

Happy New Hampshire primary! Go Hilary and Go Obama. Why not. We're all from Chicago. Good luck.