Tuesday, February 27, 2007
One of my first loves...
In Golden Valley. Doesn't that sound romantic. Golden Valley. I have driven in this park mostly in times of turmoil. When I fell in love, fell out of love. Deciding between two loves. Wondering if he was worth it. The Religion of the Pink Cloud was created on a drive through the park.
I have taken new cars speeding around the curves and I have taken countless walks on the paths on and in the park. I was near the park today and thought I'd go for a jaunt. I started out in a grumpy mood. I had thoughts of blueberries and throwing blueberries at real live boys. Then after awhile, I had some great ideas about this new shadow box I'm making. And my mood brightened. The golf chalet looked very Swiss against the snowy background. Making it seem like I was in the mountains somewhere. I still love you, Theodore.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Blueberries and Locomotives
“As I watched it draw close, I was greatly agitated. I wanted to stop it because I realized that if it were going to come to me, it would have to leave me, too. And because I grieved in advance for its leaving, I decided to stop it, even if it meant that I had to destroy it. Do you know how contrived to do that?”
Peter Lake shook his head to show that he didn’t.
“I was going to throw a blueberry at it,” Harry Penn said in a hoarse whisper.
“I got the biggest blueberry I could find, and went to wait by the side of the rails, stricken with guilt that I was going to slay a fine train, merely for my love of it. I remember that as it came closer and began to bear down on me I was trembling with remorse. At the very moment the seventy-ton locomotive pulled up even with me, I forsook the world, and threw my blueberry at it.
“The next thing I knew, I saw the caboose rushing away into the meadows where I had been afraid to go because there were too many bees in the wildflowers, and the train continued on, disappearing into the bright snowfields at the top of the ridge.
“Never my life have I been so relieved. With that terrible weight off my chest, I skipped down to the hotel, and resolved not to throw blueberries at locomotives.”
I wanted to stop it because I realized that if it were going to come to me, it would have to leave me, too.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Listen, Do you want to know a secret?
Ok, so everyone is going nuts over (it's always good to make a dramatic pause before you say) The Secret. Oprah has had shows about it, tons of people I know are all abuzz. Ok. It boils down to the Law of Attraction. You attract what you focus on whether it's positive or negative.
From Wikipedia:
According to proponents, this law is always working whether you want it to, or indeed whether you believe in it or not. Feelings, emotions, and appropriate thoughts, they say, make the law work faster on your behalf. Thoughts penetrate time and space, acting as "personal magnets" with their own electrical vibration or frequency. These thoughts reach out and grab other similarly charged thoughts, attracting physical reality, which is actually just a more slower vibrating energy frequency; one's thoughts are faster more subtle vibrations of the same energy frequency. Advocates of the law claim that quantum physics confirms the existence of this law.
I saw bits of it on YouTube and on the website above. I wanted to see the whole thing. I went to Barnes and Noble to buy it. The clerks there were mildly mocking me for buying it. And I already knew what it was about. I liked the examples they use, how it's put together and how to use the law of attraction. It was worth it to me. It's so simple to focus on what you want, not on what you don't want. One of the clerks was griping that it's too hard. And you'll have to do work. It's not that hard to see yourself already having what you want. And living blissfully and abundantly. Or you could wallow in your own redundant self pity and get nowhere. Your choice.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Famous people in real life
My therapist looks just like Rosanna Arquette (on the right) And weirdly, the name Roxanna is the name of the doctor on my prescription bottles. It's not her name. Funny.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Ashes, ashes we all fall down
"Ring around a rosie, a pocket full of posies. Ashes, ashes, we all fall down."
This nursery rhyme began about 1347 and derives from the not-so-delightful Black Plague, which killed over twenty-five million people in the fourteenth century. The "ring around a rosie" refers to the round, red rash that is the first symptom of the disease. The practice of carrying flowers and placing them around the infected person for protection is described in the phrase, "a pocket full of posies." "Ashes" is a corruption or imitation of the sneezing sounds made by the infected person. Finally, "we all fall down" describes the many dead resulting from the disease.
And also, long long ago (before I had this plague of Catholics in my life.) I saw a guy out on the street on Ash Wednesday. He had a mark on his forehad. I had totally forgot it was Ash Wednesday. I almost walked up to him and said, "Excuse me sir, you have a schmutz on your forehead." Luckily, the Catholics I know and love will hear me say that today. "So when are you getting that schmutz on your forehead?" It's also best to say it in a thick Yiddish accent. Why not?
Monday, February 19, 2007
Bee cloud
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Anyway like United 93, it seems there are alot of brutally violent films to watch. Even the animated films had some death. A character hangs himself. Geez!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Is that what you are looking for?
Is that what you are looking for?
Originally uploaded by amber_b..
But how will I find him?
And how will I know it's him?
And where is he now?
Thursday, February 15, 2007
I've been seeing way way way too many movies. There are some movie trailers, that I already hate. Like "The Hitcher." It's loud and I hate gory slasher films like that. There's also, "Premonition", starring Sandra Bullock. She's tormented because she keeps seeing her husband's death. She also alternately wakes up alone then wakes up with him. It's coming out on my birthday. I will be intrigued to find out how it winds up. Because that's my life. I wake up and I am with someone, I wake up and I'm alone. I wake up and I have a possible future, I wake up and it's a dead end. Which is the correct reality?
I am counting on you Miss Bullock to tell me how you figure it out. It will be great birthday present to me.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Single Girl Valentine #2
Single Girl Valentine #2
Originally uploaded by Wendy Mc.
Check this girl out. She's a great writer as well.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Long long ago, there were two men in my life. And I loved them both. One was the good guy and one was a dirtball.
I'd play this song and try to figure out which one I loved more. Which one should I be with? I was tormented.
And now I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying and I'm crazy for loving you.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Battery Fairy
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Violins on tv
Emily: Whats all this fuss I keep hearing about violins on television? Now why dont parents want their children to see violins on television? Why, I thought the Leonard Burnstein concerts were just lovely. Now, if they only show the violins after 11:00 at night, the little babies will all be asleep. And they wont learn any music appreciation. Why, they'll end up wanting to play guitar, and bongo drums. And go to Africa and join these rock and roll outfits. And they wont drink milk! (Slams fist pn desk.) I say there should be more violins on television! (Chevy taps her on the shoulder.) and less game shows! Its terrible! the way they...what, what?!
Chevy: Miss. Litella, that was violence on television. Not violins. Violence.
Emily: Oh, well thats different.
Chevy: Yes.
Emily smiling: Nevermind.
I may have been seeing alot of violent movies. Or violin movies. Ha ha ha.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Service Station
Signal Service Station
Originally uploaded by Roadsidepictures.
I feel lonely like this gas pump. The Oscar nominated movies are dragging me down. And I haven't even seen Apocalypto. That's supposed to be one violent film. I'll just double or triple up on the meds. And bring a flask to spike my drink. Or bring Ryan Gosling's character from "Half Nelson."
Monday, February 05, 2007
Leaving on a jet plane - not yet
If I could do that route alone, I'd be the one to drive through the snow and the mountains. And I'd have new memories to replace the old. It would be only me. My old memories seem to do me no good.
I was hoping on that on Valentine's Day that I'd take a bunch of gumball machine rings and throw them out the window somewhere along I-80 and never look back. Maybe I'll still go.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Amy Louise
Fuck you, you fucking fucker! And I mean that with all my heart.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Ice House - Crazy
I had the cable hooked up to my stereo in my tiny apartment
in college. I used to make audio tapes from that hook up. My tapes would be of the music videos. I remember having this one. I had forgot why the DJ-like opening.
And I used to sing this and think of my boyfriend, Jake, far away in Milwaukee. I thought he was crazy for dating me and eventually he left.Geez, where is he now?
Where The Streets Have No Name
The video rocks and it is my all time favorite song.
It's best to listen to it in a car when you can crank up the sound and the accelerator. The back roads in Wisconsin work well. If you are on Cty Rd B - it's both deserted and unnamed.